Sawasdee Smile Inn - One of the best budget & most comfortable hotels in Bangkok, Thailand. Sawasdee Smile Inn is situated in inner bangkok and surrounded by most popular tourist attractions. Sawasdee Smile Inn - One of the best budget & most comfortable hotels in Bangkok, Thailand. Smile Inn is situated in inner bangkok and surrounded by most popular tourist attractions. Sawasdee Smile Inn - One of the best budget & most comfortable hotels in Bangkok, Thailand. Sawasdee Smile Inn is situated in inner bangkok and surrounded by most popular tourist attractions.

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  • 不收取额外费用的提前入住和延迟退房。(视情况而定)。
  • 房间可以
  • 不收费办理一张会员卡。
  • 保持24小时。
  • 预订指定酒店
  • 弗兰克·马勒手表


  1. 这些卡使用该卡获得折扣和特别的好处。微笑客栈
  2. 请出示你的卡 或会员号码 预订 赚取额外的好处 在每个类别下的条款
  3. 此卡不能与其他优惠卡或会员卡相结合。
  4. 如果卡丢失 请立即通知工作人员
  5. 微笑客栈 我们保留取消该卡的权利。或在条件的变化 和好处 恕不另行通知。照明批发

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